MCCC play shines a light on student talent April 4-6

Theatre Assistant Professor Tim Gallagher has mentored dozens of aspiring theatre 专业人士. Photo by Brenda Lange

Theatre Assistant Professor Tim Gallagher has mentored dozens of aspiring theatre 专业人士. Photo by Brenda Lange

Theatre Assistant Professor Tim Gallagher does much more than guide plays from script to stage on Montgomery County Community College’s 西校区 在Pottstown.

“Theatre at 西校区 gives an important voice to our community,” said Gallagher, who was the recipient of the 2018 Pearlstine Excellence in Teaching Award. “It allows our students to express themselves and their unique perspective on the world, while also serving as a reflection of who we are as a community.”

学生 in MCCC’s Theatre Arts program have the opportunity to explore many aspects of the field, from performance to sound design, stagecraft to marketing. With guidance from experienced faculty with diverse backgrounds and extensive networks, students learn all aspects of the production: developing a budget, securing funds, organizing auditions and facilitating rehearsals.

Complementing the Theatre Arts program is the West End Student Theatre, a student-run club that helps produce two plays annually, as well as holding improv sessions, script readings, and workshops. In addition, West End hosts open mic nights, which bring together the campus and Pottstown community to raise funds and collect nonperishables for MCCC’s Stock Up for Success student food pantry.

The spring play, “Failure: A Love Story,” which runs April 4–6, follows the story of the Fail sisters who live above the family clock repair shop near the Chicago River before their time unexpectedly runs out. Tickets are available 在线 在门口.

The 西校区 Theatre program has served as the foundation for many who have gone on to earn advanced degrees and achieve prominent roles in regional theatre.

“As a student in the theatre program at MCCC, not only was I taught by working industry 专业人士, I was taught by professors who were truly focused on helping each student find out who we were as individual artists,” said Carly Watson, a 2016 MCCC graduate who is currently serving as an apprentice at the Arden Theatre Company in Philadelphia. “I graduated MCCC with a belt full of tools ready to use. Today in my career as a theatre artist, I lead with the techniques and lessons that I learned at MCCC.”


The community has the opportunity to learn more about MCCC’s academic and extracurricular programs at the upcoming 开放的房子 on Saturday, April 13, from 10 a.m. 到中午. 访问ors can meet faculty and staff and tour the campus. Community organizations also will be available to provide information about local resources 在Pottstown. All attendees will be entered into a drawing for a $500 textbook scholarship. 注册 today for the 开放的房子.

“We look forward to meeting families and prospective students and answering any For more information about MCCC's 西校区 在Pottstown, contact Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs Kelly Trahan at about our programs and services,” said Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs Kelly Trahan, who serves as the community liaison  for 西校区.

“We welcome visitors to come and learn about the different options we offer from academic programs to workforce training to advanced degrees through our University Center.”