
校董会 政策: 3.4


取代: June 2011, June 2004


In an effort to support student 成功 and to safeguard academic standards, Montgomery County Community College requires that new first time students demonstrate academic readiness upon admission. If 学术准备 cannot be demonstrated, then students will need to complete courses and/or services which are intended to prepare them for 成功.


New first time students must demonstrate 学术准备 as outlined in their respective programs of study through alternative validations and/or standardized diagnostic assessments in the areas of mathematics, reading, and English. Unless they meet one of the exemptions, standardized diagnostic assessment is required for new first time students. 它是 required that students begin their pre-college (developmental) coursework within completion of the first 15 college-level credits. 学生 must satisfy course prerequisites or show proof of prerequisite competency for any course in which they intend to enroll.


  1. 应用 for admission to the College and show proof of 学术准备.
  2. If proof of 学术准备 is not met, College standardized diagnostic assessments 必须完成.
    1. 学生可浏览 教程服务 to participate in preparation workshops.
    2. 学生 with documented disabilities receive testing at the Disability 服务 Center in a distraction-reduced environment with special accommodations or adaptive technology (适当的).
    3. Assessments are valid for placement purposes for five calendar years.
  3. Assessment Parameters
    1. 学生 are eligible for one retest in each subject area, with the higher score prevailing.
    2. Competency-based standardized test scores are valid for five years.
    3. 学生 who place into six or more credits of developmental coursework must complete FYE 101 prior to completion of 15 credits.
    4. 学生 who exhibit unsatisfactory academic competency on all of the College’s standardized diagnostic assessments will be required to enroll in a College/community partnership adult basic education program. Upon retesting and prior to starting the adult basic education program, these students must score above set cut-off scores on one or more retests in order to be permitted to enroll in College courses. Continuous enrollment in the adult basic education program will be maintained until students test above the set cut-off scores on at least two tests, after which time these students will be permitted to enroll at the College.