Megan's Law Notification

Board of Trustees Policy: 6.12

Date: March 2024

Supersedes: March 2008, February 2012


梅根法律通知政策的目的是为员工提供指导方针 for compliance with notification requirements under "37 Pa. Code § 56.4, Guidelines for Schools and Children and Youth Services." The policy ensures that the College 向有责任的个人传播有关性暴力掠夺者的信息 包括监督或负责学龄儿童和 younger. The policy and procedures are intended to balance public safety with the rights of the individual.


传播有关性暴力的信息是学院的政策 捕食者,其职责包括监督或负责 针对学龄儿童及以下儿童的项目,当它收到社区通知时, under Megan's Law, from local law enforcement.


Sexually Violent Predator: 经法院认定的性犯罪者(经司法鉴定) 违法者评估委员会)是否有精神异常或人格障碍 makes the person likely to engage in predatory sexually violent offenses. The Sexually 暴力掠夺者被指定为“性暴力掠夺者”,并强制终身使用 registration on the state’s Megan’s law website. The College does have an affirmative 有义务告知下列需要知道的人该人的存在 在校学生或员工,或居住在1000英尺范围内 of either campus.

Sexually Violent Offender: 一个被判有性犯罪的人 在该州的梅根法律网站上注册,最长可达10年 or longer. 学院没有,也不能通知社区的相关成员 在校园里是否有登记在册的性暴力罪犯 or residing within 1,000 feet of either campus. That information is available on the 向个人公民和大学社区成员开放的梅根法律网站, 执法部门对如何处理这些信息有明确的指示.

社区通知-性暴力罪犯和性暴力掠夺者 are required by law to register on the state Megan’s Law website. Not all Sexually Violent Offenders, although registered for a set period of years, or even 被自动认定为性暴力侵害者. Sexually 暴力掠夺者在宾夕法尼亚被明确指定为性暴力掠夺者 Megan’s Law website:

The College is notified, by law enforcement, of:

  1. 性暴力掠夺者或州外罪犯被要求服从 community notification in their state of origin;
  2. 性暴力掠夺者是学生或雇员或居住在1000以内 feet of either campus.

学校不会通知在校园内登记的性暴力罪犯 居住在校园1000英尺内的登记在案的性暴力罪犯 公民个人可在《冰球突破豪华版游戏》网站上获得通知

The notification process takes place as follows: The State Police are required to 通知本市警察部门的首席执法官员 in which the Sexually Violent Predator resides. That officer is required to notify 学院院长,提供社区通知传单的副本,如果 the Sexually Violent Predator lives within 1,000 feet of the College, or is enrolled as a student or is employed at the College.

进一步澄清在宾州法律下什么构成性犯罪 《冰球突破豪华版》和有关已登记的性暴力罪犯和性暴力罪犯的资料 Violent Predators, please go to the state’s Megan’s Law website at


当学院收到社区通知时,将遵循以下程序 关于性暴力侵害者或州外罪犯的法律 无论如何,都必须向其原籍国的社区提交通知 罪犯是否被归类为性暴力掠夺者.

  1. 会长将收到一份社区通知传单并分发 hard copies (not electronic) to: 
    1. Vice President of Engagement and Student Experience
    2. Vice President of Administrative Services
    3. Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost
    4. Vice President of Finance
    5. Chief of Staff
    6. Director of Campus Safety
    7. Director of the YMCA's Children's Center
    8. Director of the Dental Hygiene Clinic

    Recipients will sign off, verifying receipt of the Community Notification.

  2. 财务副总裁会通知基督教青年会儿童中心主任,由他负责 notify staff for awareness. The notification shall not be posted in a public area within the YMCA's Children’s Center.
  3. The Director of the Dental Hygiene Clinic will notify staff for awareness. The notification shall not be posted in a public area within the Dental Hygiene Clinic.
  4. 学术事务副校长和教务长将通知院长和其他人 如有需要,负责涉及未成年儿童的项目.
  5. 行政服务副总裁将通知人力资源总监, if the notification involves an employee.
  6. 如果学院收到通知的性暴力掠夺者是一个 student, the Dean of Students will meet with the student to: 
    1. Inform the student that the College has received the notification.
    2. 告诉学生,根据州法律,学院有责任, 向相当数量的个人提供有关他或她的存在的通知 affiliated with the College.
    3. 告诉学生,大学社区并不局限于大学年龄的高等教育 students.
    4. 设定总体期望,让学生留在他或她的一般区域 classes are located and avoid areas where minors are located.

    学生不得在会议上被询问,学生也不能进入 campus facilities and/or activities be outright limited.

  7. 如果学院收到通知的性暴力掠夺者是一个 employee, the Director of Human Resources will meet with the employee to: 
    1. Inform the employee that the College has received the notification.
    2. 告诉员工,根据州法律,这是学院的责任, 向相当数量的个人提供有关他或她的存在的通知 affiliated with the College.
    3. 告诉员工,大学社区并不局限于大学年龄的大专以上 students.
    4. 设定总体期望,让员工留在他或她的一般区域 work station is located and avoid areas where minors are located.

    如果学院确定有必要将员工重新分配到某个区域 that is removed from minors, the College has the right to do so.

  8. 校园安全主任将向校园安全主任分发有关资料 for awareness purposes only.

None of the above notification processes can take place electronically. Such notification is subject to disciplinary action.

如果性暴力掠夺者在儿童节目期间出现在校园的某个区域 没有合法目的或以其他方式引起对儿童安全的担忧, Campus Safety shall be notified. Once notified, Campus Safety shall then notify local law enforcement.