




蒙哥马利县社区学院评估和奖励适当的学术学分 先前的学习相当于学院的课程和学习成果 order to assist students in the achievement of their educational goals.


The College applies the following guidelines in order to award academic credit for 之前的学习:

  1. 转学分的考虑将由课程等效性决定,包括 expected learning outcomes, with those of the College’s curricula and standards.
  2. 一般来说,学分只能从地区认可的高等教育中转移 institutions; however, the College recognizes valid educational experiences worthy 地区认可的学校以外的考虑,并有程序,以适应 这些基于学术协调员/项目主任和文件的批准 of course equivalencies, including expected learning outcomes.
  3. 此外,学院授予学分和课程安排,以学生为基础 on previous academic, employment, military, and/or other learning experiences not 在传统课程中获得的. Credit is awarded for nationally recognized examinations 如[大学先修课程(AP)和大学水平考试课程(CLEP)],专业 证书,或通过先前学习的组合评估,基于课程等效性, including expected learning outcomes.
  4. Presented 学分 that meet grade and curricular requirements will be accepted at 学院,高达百分之七十五(75%)的学分要求的副学士学位 学位或证书课程. Transfer credit for specific majors are accepted to 接受学分的程度不会违反具体的纪律 认证机构.
  5. 发展性课程不接受转学分,但会记入成绩单 作为先决条件.
  6. 分数为2分的课程.0 (C) or higher will be considered for transfer. 课程 成绩为“及格”或“满意”的,可作为转学分 when the transcript states that a “pass” or “satisfactory” is equivalent to a C or 以上. Transfer courses will be awarded credit with no grade value (quality points) 分配.
  7. 一般来说,无论课程的年龄如何,课程都将被考虑为可转学课程; 然而,有些项目可能会限制入学课程的年龄, prerequisite purposes and/or program completion.


The College implements the following procedures in evaluating academic credit for 传输:

  1. 只有官方成绩单或分数报告直接发送到冰球突破豪华版服务 发证机构/组织或以签名、密封的信封投递 审查. Facsimiles and/or unsealed documents are not considered official. 官方 documents for 学分 earned prior to admission should be 提交ted no later than 第一学期结束时的出勤率达到后续课程的先决条件 and provide for accurate academic planning for degree completion. 外部课程 在参加考试期间完成的考试应尽快提交.
  2. 取得国外教育机构学分者,须附成绩单 translated and reviewed by a NACES accredited credential evaluation service.
  3. 军事人员有资格对其军事经验和训练进行评估 通过提交经批准的表格(例如,DD表格214)和 军事记录. Credit may be awarded for military training that has been evaluated by the American Council on Education and 分配 a recommended credit value when the training is directly related to the student’s program of study.
  4. The MCCC transcript will only reflect the total number of 学分 equated; individual course equivalencies awarded will not appear.
  5. The College operates under the semester system. If a student seeks transfer credit 对于采用“季度”制的机构,学分可以通过 multiplying the quarter credit hours by two thirds.
    1. 9 quarter hours = 6 semester 学分
    2. 6 quarter hours = 4 semester 学分
    3. 4刻钟= 2.67学期学分
    4. 3 quarter hours = 2 semester 学分
    5. 在适当的情况下,可以将四分之一学时的课程加在一起以授予转学 学分.

学生 may also earn academic credit by successful completion of the following. All 学分 earned are considered as transfer credit.

Nationally Recognized Examinations

以下类型的考试将被考虑为高级或更高级的考试 学习信贷:

  1. 大学水平考试计划(CLEP)考试成绩达到50分或以上 courses, as determined by the academic 协调员/项目总监.
  2. College Board Advanced Placement (AP) exams with scores of 3, 4, or 5. AP成绩和 适当的学分水平和课程等效性由学术机构决定 协调员/项目总监.

A list of currently recognized examination equivalencies is available to students at: 先修学分. As examinations are approved for transfer credit, this list is updated.


学院可以为以前的学习提供学分,而不是来自学术 setting or by transfer of credit from another institution. 学生必须注册 作为在学院攻读学位的学生,以便有资格获得先前学习学分. 然后,学生可以选择通过提交一份综合报告来获得特定课程的学分 portfolio that demonstrates that the student has met the learning outcomes for the 课程,或参加由部门制定和管理的挑战考试 教师. There is a fee for the review of materials and for the awarding of 学分. Additional information on 之前的学习 transfer credit is available at: 先前学习评估.


学院认可颁发专业认证的各种组织, 特定行业领域的执照和培训,并根据纪律授予学分 教师 agreement on course equivalencies. Certifications and licenses must be current 被考虑记入信用. 学生 are required to 提交 a copy of their certification or license to the Records and Registration Office with their request for credit. A list of organizations for which credit is awarded is available at: 非信用等价物.


从蒙哥马利县社区学院转学而未获得学分的学生 副学士学位或证书可以通过转学完成课程要求 在其他院校修过并被认可为同等学历的课程 在学院的学习计划的学位要求,按照 the transfer of credit policy statements noted 以上.


学业成绩单是根据本政策中规定的程序进行评估的 and through the guidance provided by the academic disciplines. 当转录本 而蒙哥马利县社区学院似乎没有类似的学校, 或者根据课程名称和课程不能建立等效性的 description, the academic discipline may be called upon to make a determination.

It is possible that errors in the articulation of coursework or prior learning can 发生. In the event a student believes that this has 发生red, the appeal procedure 如下:

  1. 学生应首先联系记录和注册办公室讨论 与成绩单评估员一起评估结果,并提供任何额外的文件 needed to assist with the review (e.g. an updated transcript or college catalog, syllabus, or other documentation from the sending institution).
  2. 如果问题没有解决,学生可以要求主任进一步审查 of Records and Registration/Registrar. After conferring with the student, the Director 将学生的索赔连同任何其他文件一起提交给副校长 教务长兼教务长,与教务长协商后, 和学术协调员/项目主任,供考虑并沟通 决定以书面形式在十五(15)个工作日内发给学生 academic Fall and Spring semesters. The decision of the provost is final.
  3. 根据上文第II项向纪录及注册处处长/注册处处长提出上诉 必须在初步评估完成后90天内提交.