




I. 政策声明

蒙哥马利县社区学院 (“the College”) does not tolerate hazing in any form. Any member of the College community found responsible for violating this Anti-hazing Policy may face disciplinary action from the College, and also may face civil and criminal penalties under state law, including the Timothy J. 广场反欺侮法.


II. 适用及管辖权

This Policy applies to (a) all College students (as defined below); (b) all Student Organizations (as defined below); and (c) other persons associated with a Student Organization, which could include employees or volunteers.

The term “Student” includes students who have a pending application for admittance to attend the College or who have been notified of their admission to the College and/or who are matriculated, enrolled or registered in any College academic program 或活动. Students on a leave of absence and persons who were students when they 涉嫌违反本政策的也包括在内.

A “Student Organization” includes student organizations, groups, societies or clubs, all athletic teams, and all fraternity and sorority chapters.

This Policy applies to conduct that occurs on or off-campus.


The College adheres to Pennsylvania’s Anti-hazing Law, which prohibits Hazing, Aggravated 欺侮和组织欺侮(定义如下).

  1. Hazing: Intentionally, knowingly or recklessly, for the purpose of initiating, admitting or affiliating a student into or with a Student Organization, or for the purpose of continuing or enhancing student’s membership or status in a Student Organization, causes, coerces or forces a student to do any of the following:
    • 违反联邦或州刑法;
    • Consume any food, liquid, alcoholic liquid, illegal drug or other substance which subjects a student to a risk of emotional or physical harm;
    • Endure brutality of a physical nature, including whipping, beating, branding, calisthenics 或者暴露在自然环境中;
    • Endure brutality of a mental nature, including activity adversely affecting the mental health or dignity of the individual, sleep deprivation, exclusion from social contact 或者可能导致极度尴尬的行为;
    • Endure brutality of a sexual nature; or
    • Endure any other activity that creates a reasonable likelihood of bodily injury1 给一个学生.

然而,欺侮确实如此 not include “reasonable and customary” athletic, law enforcement or military training, 比赛,竞赛或事件.

For the purposes of this Policy, the terms “risk” and “brutality” should be read broadly. 风险包括潜在的风险,无论多么轻微. 暴行包括任何与…有关的行为 a reasonable likelihood of endangering another person’s mental or physical health or safety.

  • 而被欺侮导致严重身体伤害的欺侮行为2 or death 给一个学生; and where:
    1. The person acts with reckless indifference to the health and safety of a student; or
    2. The person causes, coerces, or forces the consumption of an alcoholic liquid or illegal 学生吸毒.
  • 组织被欺侮: Hazing or 而被欺侮 that a Student Organization intentionally, knowingly, 或鲁莽地促进或便利.

It is not a defense that the consent of a student-victim was sought or obtained. It is also not a defense that the conduct was sanctioned or approved by a Student Organization 或学院.


The College encourages all members of the College community who believe that they have witnessed, experienced, or are aware of conduct that violates this Policy to report the violation to the Department of Public Safety, the Office 学生生活, the Judicial Officer, the Vice President of Student Services, Director of Athletics 和校园娱乐或发送电子邮件到



Any violation of this Policy by a student or Student Organization shall be deemed 违反了 学生行为准则.

All allegations of this Policy involving an employee shall be addressed by the dean or department head, in consultation with the Executive Director of Human Resources.

All allegations of this Policy involving a volunteer shall be addressed by the Director 学生生活.


Anyone found responsible for violating this Policy may face disciplinary action. Individual students found responsible for violating this Policy may be placed on probation, suspended, dismissed, expelled or issued any other sanction(s) found in the 学生行为准则. Student Organizations may be placed on probation or deferred suspension, lose privileges, 失去大学认可或资助. 学生组织也可能面临制裁 由他们工作的学院部门负责. 被发现对以下行为负有责任的员工 violating this Policy may be subject to corrective or disciplinary action, up to and 包括终止.


学院将维持一个 报告所有违规行为 of this Policy that are reported to the College and which result in a charge of violation of this Policy or the issuance of a charge of violation of federal or state laws related to hazing. The College will update the report bi-annually on January 1 and August 1 of each year and will post the updated report on the College’s website.


2严重身体伤害: 身体伤害 which creates a substantial risk of death or which causes serious, permanent disfigurement, or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily 成员或机关.